Call for Abstracts
Islamic Medical Association of North America
54th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly
“IMANA Annual CME Conference in Georgia”
July 24th and 25th, 2022
The Westin Jekyll Island
Up to 8 Credit hours

Abstracts that will be given preference:
- Mental Health
- COVID-19
- TeleHealth
- Advancement of Medicine
Send submissions to: [email protected]
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the ACCME and IMANA. IMANA is accredited by ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This educational activity is designated for a maximum of 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) ™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Information for Authors:
- Abstracts must be of interest to physicians of all specialties. No presentation will be allowed without an abstract submission. Abstracts that do not conform to the guidelines as set forth in this document may be rejected.
- Abstracts may be sent via paper or electronic submission (preferred). Please e-mail your abstract in an attachment to an e-mail in Microsoft Word (.doc) format. All electronic submission MUST be accompanied by a paper submission as well. Please include your CV with submission.
- The information requested on the abstract form and in the instructions must be included with the submission of the abstract.
- Abstracts that are submitted to IMANA will not be returned to the author(s), even if they are not accepted.
- All presenters must be registered for the Medical Conference and Convention.
- Authors will be notified of the decision on the abstract in a timely manner. Depending on the number of abstracts accepted, some might be encouraged to present their presentation as a poster presentation.
- Electronic submissions are preferred, providing the typed material does not exceed the space limitation on the abstract form.
- The first author will be listed as the presenter unless specified otherwise.
- The number of presentations allowed by each author may be limited as judged by the CME committee based on a number of abstracts submitted and interests to the audience.
Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
- Abstracts must be written in English. Each abstract must be in a structured format with headings
- Objective: An introductory statement indicating the purpose of the study
- Design: Worded description of the study design
- Materials and methods: A description of the experimental procedure and analysis
- Results: Summary of the findings
- Conclusions: A statement of the conclusions from the results
- Abbreviations used in the abstract must be defined at first mention
- Illustrations are not permitted in the abstract, but a succinct table is acceptable
- All sources of research support should be identified
The abstract must be typed, single-spaced, with heading (title of paper) flush with the left margin of the abstract box. After the title, the presenting author’s name should appear first (if possible) followed by names of additional authors. List no more than first two initials followed by last name for each author. Institutional affiliations (including city, state, and country) should follow the list of authors. When multiple authors from different institutions/departments are listed, each institution/department must be identified. Academic degrees are to be omitted. Charts and diagrams are not permitted in the abstract, but a simple table is acceptable providing it does not exceed the allocated space for the abstract. Font size must be no smaller than 10 points.
The presenting author and necessary contact information must be identified on the abstract form as indicated, if not the first author is presumed.
All abstracts must be submitted by May 15th, 2022
Failure to Present Policy
Once the deadline has passed, the CME committee will review the submitted abstracts and notify the chosen presenters of their decision in a timely manner. The presenters of the chosen abstracts will be asked to sign a statement stating that he/she has agreed to present their paper at the convention. If a chosen delegate fails to present or fails to arrange for a co-author to present, he/she will not be considered for future presentations at the IMANA meetings for the following two years.
Registrations for the 54th Annual Convention to Jekyll Island, GA is Open. Click here to register.
Any questions or concerns regarding the CME/abstracts can be sent to [email protected]