School / Youth Fundraising

Help IMANA by Adopting a Smile!

The Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) would like to invite your school to partner with us in a philanthropic educational opportunity which will also help make the world a better place.

For the past 10 years our medical volunteers have traveled to Sudan for our SaveSmile program. For a mere $200 they are able to perform a 30-35 minute surgery on a child or adult with a cleft palate or lip, forever changing their lives. To date 1538 of our brothers and sisters in humanity have been served.

Cleft lips and/or palates, are defects that some people are born with where the mouth/lips do not close properly. The facial defect has many more issues than “looks”. These children are unable to suckle or be bottle fed, they are thus malnourished and have stunted growth. As they get older, they cannot speak properly. They begin having setbacks in school, and become targets for bullying, thus suffering from social stigma. As they pass to young adulthood they find difficulty in finding employment and seeking marriage.

By encouraging your students to donate whatever change they have, they can gather up enough to donate a smile to someone in need!

Students simply collect spare change and bring it to school to deposit in SaveSmile boxes. All the funds go towards the mission as IMANA volunteers cover their own travel expenses; all donations are used exclusively for the designated purpose of these surgeries.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss this with a member of our staff, please do not hesitate to reach out.  You can contact IMANA at (630) 932-0000 or email at [email protected].


What is Cleft Lip?

It is a defect that some people are born with where the mouth/lips do not close properly. 

What is Cleft Palate?

When the roof of the mouth does not close, leaving a gap

What are the causes?

An exact cause is not known; it is thought to be genetic and also environmental exposure and/or lack of maternal nutrition. These abnormalities occur during facial development prior to birth.

What are some side effects of a Cleft lip?
  • Inability to feed leading to malnourishment
  • Severe ear infections, often resulting in eventual loss of hearing
  • Speech impediments
  • Psycho-social issues: isolation and inability to make friends, find employment or marry
Why Sudan?

Sudan was chosen for cleft lip/palate surgeries because there are no plastic surgeons within the country offering this procedure. IMANA teams consist of plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians and nursing staff.

How much does it cost?

Through your generous donations of only $200.00, our teams can provide a surgery to someone – free of all cost to the patient. Encourage your students to donate anything they can! A few coins or dollars can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars – in turn you’ll be donating smiles to so many people!

Have a question? Get in touch.

Preferred Method of Contact

8 + 12 =


Virginia: 9681 Main Street, Suite B, Fairfax, VA 22031






[email protected]

IMANA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to IMANA and IMANA Medical Relief are tax exempt. Tax ID: #36-4166125