Winter Health Tips for Staying Healthy and Happy During Winter

12 December 2023

winter health tips

Staying healthy is vital year-round, but it can be tougher during the colder months as it brings with it the flu and cold season. However, with a few precautionary measures, you should be able to keep fit and enjoy all the activities the cold weather brings! 

Read on to know how to stay healthy and happy during winter with our winter health tips:

Stay Active

Physical activity is essential, even when the weather outside is less than agreeable. It can help with weight management, improve brain health, reduce anxiety and stress, improve the quality of your sleep, and enhance your ability to do everyday activities. 

To stay fit and active all winter long:

  • Warm up before you start exercising, however mild in intensity it may be. 
  • Wear layers to keep warm. 
  • Move instead of driving. If the weather permits, consider taking nature walks.
  • Try moderate forms of exercise such as walking and cycling to keep active. 
  • Climb up and down the stairs instead of taking the lift or the escalator.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink water before, during, and after your workout. 

You can also remain active around the house by:

  • Jogging or skipping on the spot
  • Stretching while you watch your favorite show
  • Doing chores 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet keeps your overall health in good shape. Though we all know this, many of us have yet to take the hint as a 2015 report from the CDC shows. In fact, about 90% of Americans don’t eat enough fruits or veggies to stay healthy. Are you contributing to that number? If so, it’s time to make a change. 

Improve your diet and keep your immune system healthy by eating fresh fruits like kiwis and oranges. Don’t forget to include veggies like broccoli and cauliflower in your diet. 

Boost Your Immune System

Adequate hydration is key to a well-functioning immune system. Water, herbal teas, and broths contribute to overall hydration. Limit excessive caffeine and alcohol intake, as they can have dehydrating effects. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables into your diet. Probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which plays a significant role in supporting the immune system.

Keep Yourself Warm

Cold weather can make you susceptible to a range of cold-related illnesses. So, keep an eye on the weather, dress warmly, and remove clothing if it’s damp. 

If you’re inside your home, wear a sweater and socks — even if you’re just watching TV. Be sure to take precautions even if you’re just making a trip to the mailbox, as it could expose you to harsh winter weather for longer than planned. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, invest in a warm winter coat. 

You should also keep the temperature inside your home at a desirable temperature. Avoid alcohol as it draws heat away from your vital organs. Get plenty of exercise, humidify your home, and drink soup to keep warm. 

Practice Good Hygiene

Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Pay attention to key times, such as before meals, after using the restroom, and after being in public spaces. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when soap and water aren’t available. Carry a small bottle with you for on-the-go cleanliness.

Respiratory hygiene is also extremely important. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues properly and wash your hands immediately. This helps prevent the spread of respiratory droplets.

Protect Your Skin

Cold weather can lead to dry and irritated skin. Use a good quality moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Consider thicker creams or ointments for added protection.

Even in winter, exposure to the sun can be damaging. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to exposed skin, especially on your face and hands, to protect against harmful UV rays.

Familiarize Yourself with Cold-Weather Related Illnesses

The cold weather can make you susceptible to a range of illnesses. Just as knowing how to stay healthy in summer can help, knowing cold-weather-related illnesses can help you adopt the right measures for a safe winter season. 

  • Frostbite can cause permanent physical damage. At times, it may even lead to amputation. 
  • Hypothermia causes a dangerously low body temperature and can affect bodily functions. When left untreated, it can lead to heart and respiratory failure which could cause death. 
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning is a “flu-like” disease that can make you feel dizzy and pass out. Long exposure can also result in death.

To prevent these diseases, limit your time outdoors, dress in layers, cover your ears and head with a hat, drink plenty of warm fluids, and wear socks and sock liners. 

Something to remember: Seasonal flu affects thousands of people in the U.S. so be sure to get a flu shot to protect yourself against strains of the virus. 

Connect With IMANA To Keep Your Health in Top Condition

Cold weather can take a toll on your health, especially if your immune system is compromised. With these winter health tips, you can protect your health and stay fit. However, if you find yourself sick due to the elements, please contact IMANA. We’ll be happy to help.