World Refugee Day 2023: Addressing the Refugee Crisis With IMANA

14 June 2023

world refugee day

We live in an era marked by widespread displacement and unrelenting conflict across the world. This has led to millions of individuals, families, and communities being uprooted from their homes. They are forced to cross borders and seek refuge in foreign nations after overcoming dire situations and terrorizing uncertainty.

The world refugee crisis is a matter of global concern — a humanitarian challenge characterized by immense suffering.

It transcends borders, cultures, and socioeconomic divides, leaving people grappling with unfathomable losses.

To address the problem, it is important to understand the significance of World Refugee Day 2023. In an effort to cultivate awareness and hopefully inspire action, let’s learn more about the refugee crisis and World Refugee Day.


What Is the Current Refugee Situation?


2022 was a milestone year for the refugee crisis as the number of displaced people crossed the 100-million mark. This means that over 1.2% of the world’s population has been forced to leave their homes due to violence, political conflicts, prosecution, natural disasters, poverty, and other devastating issues, including war.

Though the refugee crisis has been around for decades, tensions between Russia and Ukraine shed light on the plight of refugees. This could be due to the fact that the refugee crisis was previously believed to be an issue that only affected developing countries.

As a European nation, the image of white Ukrainians fleeing their homes was perhaps a sobering wake-up call for developed Western nations that realized how vulnerable people really are. It raised concerns about how easily anyone can go from living securely in their homes to being displaced by political conflicts.

Every minute, there are 20 people who are forced to leave their homes for various reasons, including food insecurity and lack of medication.

Seventy-six percent of today’s refugees come from just six countries across the world, including Syria, Venezuela, and Afghanistan. Here are some statistics to illustrate the global refugee situation and the need for collaborative aid:

  • Half of the refugees around the world are children.


  • Developing countries host around 85% of existing refugees.


  • Currently, 1.4 million refugees require resettlement.


  • Turkey and Jordan host the most refugees with around 3.6 million and 2.9 million refugees, respectively.


  • Aruba hosts 156 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants while Lebanon is a close second at 134 refugees.


  • The number of globally displaced people has more than doubled in the last decade alone.


  • Eighty percent of Yemen’s population is in need of aid due to the civil war.


  • The UNHCR needs $10.211 billion to support the 117.2 million people across 134 countries and territories who are displaced and stateless.


  • Internationally, there are 61.2 million displaced people and 29.3 million refugees according to the UNHCR’s mandate in 2023.


  • The Democratic Republic of Congo had over 909,000 individuals flee the country as refugees.


  • Over 1.1 million Rohingyas were forced to flee Myanmar since August 2017.


  • With the decade-long South Sudan refugee crisis, there are over 4 million South Sudanese who are forced to leave their homes. Over two million of them had to escape from the country.

These are just a few numbers that underscore the gravity of the refugee situation. They help highlight the urgency of the crisis which must be acknowledged, addressed, and tackled on a global scale.


What Is the Purpose of World Refugee Day 2023?


World Refugee Day helps bring global attention to the plight of refugees and the need to mobilize support. It highlights the need to protect and improve their lives so that they not only survive but thrive wherever they seek shelter.

Furthermore, it honors refugees, including those who have succumbed to the hardships and dangers that occurred while fleeing their homes. It also showcases their resilience and resourcefulness. Refugees courageously leave all that is familiar and risk their lives for a chance at improving their circumstances, even with xenophobia, racism, and other forms of discrimination often awaiting them in places where they seek asylum.


Refugee Projects by IMANA


Refugees require different kinds of aid, from financial, legal, and housing assistance. One of the most urgent needs of refugees is medical relief.

Hence, the Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) offers Free Clinic Grants to organizations that offer free clinics and those looking to expand their patient care, clinical staffing, clinical infrastructure, or health advocacy and education. Organizations offering free healthcare to refugees that are looking to expand in these areas are qualified to apply for our grants.

While IMANA understands that the crisis cannot be singlehandedly solved by us, we believe that we can make a difference through programs like IMANA Medial Relief and Free Clinic Grants.

Final Thoughts: How You Can Lend A Helping Hand


The refugee crisis is severe and needs to be urgently addressed. Refugees across the world need social, political, financial, and medical assistance.

If you’re looking to make a difference in the lives of refugees, here are some things you can do this World Refugee Day 2023:

  • Attend a UN event.
  • Offer personal support to refugees in your area.
  • Donate to or volunteer with organizations that are advocating for the welfare of refugees.
  • Raise awareness about the refugee crisis online and offline.
  • Write to your local representatives and ask them to aid in the crisis.

More than ever, the global refugee crisis requires a collective, collaborative effort and global solidarity. Governments, organizations, and individuals must provide humanitarian aid and long-term solutions to empower refugees and reintegrate them into stable societies. When individuals like you and organizations like IMANA take action, it can cause a ripple effect and encourage others to do the same.